How the mind and the Body cannot be separated leads to an inseparable connection between physical and mental health. In any manner integration of the two areas in wellness programming has not happened Regardless of the fact that the links are striking. Wellness practitioners will need to understand the connections between physical and mental health so that they can intervene more effectively to improve the results.It is Important to deal with the integration of physical and mental health for the following reasons:
- The Individual worker’s mental health status or the existence of a mental illness like depression or stress can affect a person’s capacity to tackle health promoting behaviors that address their health status. It is critical that people have a better comprehension of the connection between all aspects of their health.
- Chronic diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease or diabetes can have a profound effect on a person’s mental health.
- An Individual’s mental health status affects a person’s capacity to take part from a disease.
- Family Caregivers and members of individuals with chronic diseases are affected emotionally hence possibly leading to their neglecting their health.
Integrating all aspects of health in a wellness program requires integration and partnerships. Integration and partnerships permit the partners to work on common targets and to leverage their resources and strengths. Integration should happen at the program level between possibly between community and the employer resources and sellers.The Elements required to support integration include:
- Making the company case through the collection, analysis and dissemination of information on the interrelationships between all elements of employee health. The information must show how partnerships and integration can advance goals and the company’s core mission.
- Creating a winner. It is ideal to have a winner to initiate, implement and maintain the integration while integration demands motivation and leadership from the top.
- Forming an integration management functioning team to keep up the integration effort. The integration effort cannot be sustained if it is merely a few people’s work.
- In which wins and results could be achieved, needs or gaps. Early on, search targeted and within the scope of the assignments infrastructures, resources, processes of their partners’ program initiatives.
- Monitor measure and assess initiatives by establishing measures, goals and collecting the data. Evaluation could include output, procedure and outcome kinds of evaluation strategies. They could include analyzing improvements in access to and satisfaction with care, services or programming, specifying the impact of policy changes on services or outcomes and making the case for cost-benefit or cost-effectiveness.
Good mental Health is essential to maintaining good health. There is absolutely no health without mental health. There is a wellness program a perfect and necessary venue.